Taking the Lead

An Accredited Leadership programme for SAS doctors – designed for you and by you

A practical, interactive and innovative professional development programme comprising 6 x one-day Modules, 4 x 90-minute Action Learning Sets, a 90-minute webinar with follow-up opportunities for one-to-one coaching.

In this programme you’ll be enhancing your interpersonal skills toolkit and thinking about how you can open up opportunities for making the most of your strengths, qualities and skills to maximise your personal and professional potential.

As a member of the ‘Taking the Lead’ learning community, you’ll be finding out more about your role as leader and thinking about how the communication of the leader shapes team culture and impacts on team performance.

Lastly, and most importantly, you’ll be focussing on establishing your voice, your professional presence and your identity as a leader, so that you can communicate effectively with personal authority, authenticity and impact. Along the way you’ll learn more about yourself, your leadership style, and how you choose to be as a leader, both professionally, and as a leader in your own life.

Full accreditation requires attendance at all 6 Modules and Action Learning Sets.

Programme Structure

Programme Modules

  • Module 1:  Communicating with Confidence, Assertiveness and Personal Authority
  • Module 2:  Challenging Situations & Difficult Conversations
  • Module 3:  Leading Teams
  • Module 4:  Time Management Inside-Out
  • Module 5:  Your Voice of Influence
  • Module 6:  Your Leadership Role:  Thriving in Change and Uncertainty

The ‘Taking the Lead’ programme is likely to appeal to:

  • Colleagues wanting to enhance their interpersonal skills and personal effectiveness
  • Colleagues wanting to develop their leadership skills and build confidence in their leadership role, whether with an official title of responsibility or not
  • Colleagues wanting to progress their career
  • Colleagues interested in becoming SAS Tutors
  • Colleagues thinking about applying for Specialist Registration via the CESR pathway.