Changing Perspectives on Educational Supervision

A one-day workshop for Educational Supervisors

This interactive session focuses on the relationship between supervisor and trainee in the context of wellness and sustainable practice.  The quality of this relationship and the role of supervisor can be pivotal to the overall wellbeing of doctors in training, and as such, can also contribute substantially to successful outcomes for the trainee – as well as being a force multiplier for the team and organisation. We will be exploring this potentially complex relationship from different perspectives, sharing ideas and experiences, celebrating good practice, and considering ways in which the supervisory relationship creates a space in which both trainee and trainer can thrive.

The programme includes:

  • Assumptions and expectations – trainer / trainee
  • Communications’ ‘noise’ in the relationship
  • Changing hats – training / teaching / mentoring / coaching / counselling
  • Giving feedback – being honest, and maintaining the relationship
  • When time is at a premium – making the most of ‘corridor conversations’ 

Delegates receive a Resource Pack with additional references and coaching tools for you and your trainee.