Better Balance: Kindness and Self-care in an Uncertain World

In this interactive workshop we explore the sources of stress and overwhelm, question some of the received wisdom about resilience, and explore alternative perspectives on well-being and self-care.

As our happiness also greatly depends on the quality of our relationships, we also reflect on how we can nurture our connections with others so that all of our human needs for security, comfort, and appreciation can be satisfied.

Lastly – and most importantly – we’ll be considering ways in which we can engage positively with the most important relationship of all; the relationship with ourselves.

By the end of the programme, you’ll have practical ideas and suggestions to use in your professional life – and in your personal life.

The programme includes:

  • Feeling well, being well
  • Bouncing back – and other myths about resilience
  • The committed professional’s path to burnout
  • Thoughts and feelings – using the feedback
  • Your personal ecology check
  • Nurturing your relationship eco-system
  • Kindness and compassion
  • Better balance as a habit

Delegates receive a Resource Pack with additional references and sources of information.

“I really appreciated Anneliese’s approach which felt really practical and relevant to everyday life.”

“A very good course – 6 hours well spent!”