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In the spirit of Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an ancient African worldview based on the primary values of intense humanness, caring, sharing, respect, compassion and associated values, ensuring a happy and qualitative human community life in the spirit of family. It is used to describe a particular African worldview in which people can only find fulfilment through interacting with other people. Thus is represents a spirit of kinship across both race and creed which unites mankind to a common purpose.
'My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in what is yours'…"
(‘No Future Without Forgiveness: A Personal Overview of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ Desmond Tutu, 2000)
‘Only in terms of other people does the individual become conscious of his own being, his own duties, his privileges and responsibilities towards himself and towards other people…..I am because we are, and since we are, therefore, I am.’
(John Mbiti, Philosopher)